Monday, September 26, 2016

What is voip used for in business

VoIP, VoIP, VoIP. These three letters are all over the place. You know that the acronym is related to communications and computers. You know it’s the next "in" thing technologically. But what is VoIP? And how can your business benefit from it? The Next Big Thing The letters actually stand for Voice over Internet Protocol, sometimes called IP Telephony. Simply put, it is another way of making a phone call. Sometimes, the actual telephone is not present anymore. It is especially useful for long distance calls. The reason for the massive interest in this new technology is cost. VoIP can be thought of as very inexpensive but in reality, a lot of people use it for free. All that is actually needed is a microphone, speakers, and a good Internet connection. Tell Me More What is VoIP? It is another way of making a phone call. But how do you actually use it? The first method is to have a computer on both ends of the call. The second is to have a phone on one end and a computer on the other. The third is to have a telephone on both ends of the call. What is VoIP? It is a way to save on your organization’s telecom bill. It maximizes the existing infrastructure without significant additional costs. VoIP transmits the audio received on one end over the Internet and converts the digital data back into audio at the other end. Seamless and efficient. Almost magical, even. In effect, you only pay your Internet bill since you’re using the same resources. Only this time, those resources are being co-opted to carry voice as well as data. What is VoIP? It is scalable to your needs. Although it is essentially free with your Internet access, there are additional levels of VoIP that do cost something. Using it with a regular telephone handset is one example. Using it with a cellular phone is another. However, this is more inexpensive than a regular phone call. And that is emphasized even more with international calls. In fact, it is possible to cut international call costs by as much as 90 percent. No Business Like Call Business So what is VoIP? It is an exciting new adaptation of existing resources to cut communications costs and it is rapidly gaining wide acceptance. There is a great deal to improve but it is a leading candidate to replace the regular telephone system. VoIP’s growth today is, in large part, due to consumerawareness of its many benefits. This is not to say it does not have drawbacks. Security is a main concern. Nevertheless, the possibilities of VoIP are limitless. It is a great boon to businesses. In today’s competitive market, you can’t communicate enough and VoIP helps by reducing the related costs. At the same time, it utilizes a company’s existing investment in the Internet. It is also largely transparent to the user which is a great thing since you don’t need to learn to reinvent the wheel.

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