Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The most powerful person in the universe spirituality information

This is the story of a young boy who had a dream to serve the most powerful person in the world. He lived in a small village and so one day he went to the head of the village and said " Sir, from today, i am going to serve you for the rest of my life. My dream is to serve the most powerful person and you are the greatest....." One year passed by and the young boy deligintly carried out all his duties. One fine day the head of the village told the young boy " Today the Governor(head of the state) is coming to visit us. Serve him properly..." The Governor arrived to a pompous reception. The head of the village did everything to please him and took great care of the Governor. The young boy was watching everything. He said to himself " How stupid of me ! I thought that the head of the village is the most powerful person. But this Governor is more powerful than him..." Later during the day he went to the Governor and told him of his dream to serve the most powerful person in the universe and the young body said to the Governor " From today i am going to serve you for the rest of my life....." So the young boy went away with the Governor..... Six months passed by and the young boy was happy to serve the Governor.... " Today I am going to meet the king to discuss certain issues of the state" said the Governor . " If you wish you can come along with me" . The young boy had nothing much to do that day and so he accompanied the Governor to the king's palace. When the young boy entered the palace he was ecstatic . He couldn't believe his own eyes...The majestic elephants outside the palace, the rich clothes the king's men were wearing , the silver plates on which the food was served, the royal gold throne, the chandeliers, the artistically carved pillars.... The young boy was thrilled.... The Governor walked up to the king's throne and saluted him and bowed before him.... The young boy was watching all this..... Later during the day he went to the king and told him of his dream to serve most powerful person in the universe and the young boy said to the king " From today. i am going to serve you for the rest of my life....." So the young boy stayed at the king's palace..... Two years passed by and the young boy noticed something peculiar about the king. Every day at 6.30 pm in the evening the king used to go alone for a long walk.... That day the young boy followed the king.... The king entered a small hut in the nearby forest . A great yogi was sitting inside the hut in deep meditation. The king bowed before the great yogi and prostrated before him.... The young boy was watching all this..... After the king left the young boy entered the small hut and told the yogi of his dream to serve most powerful person in the universe and the young body said to the great yogi " From today. i am going to serve you for the rest of my life....." So the young boy stayed at the small hut..... The yogi was a very disciplined and strict person. He was always in deep meditation and never ventured out of his hut. However, on the seventh day of every month at 3.30 am in the morning the yogi used to step out of his hut and came back only after an hour. The young boy was curious to know the movements of his master. But he was afraid of venturing out in the dark in the deep forest. However, that day mustering sufficient courage he followed his master... The yogi walked briskly for twenty minutes chanting a prayer silently till he entered a small but beautiful Krishna temple located deep in the forest. With tears in his eyes the great yogi calling out for Lord Krishna prostrated before the magnificent idol of Lord Krishna.... The young boy was watching all this..... After the yogi left the young boy entered the temple and prostrated before the Lord. " Where were you my child. I was all along waiting for you" echoed a powerful voice from within the temple. The young boy looked at all directions but he could not find anyone. The powerful voice echoed again... " Where were you my child. I was all along waiting for you.." This time, the young boy listened more intensely to the voice.. He did not look at all directions. He closed his eyes and said " Lord i have a dream to serve most powerful person in the universe...." The powerful voice came again" I have a plan for you my dear child. I will reveal it to you as we meet more often..." The young boy smiled. He had never experienced the tenderness, sweetness and the love he got in those few moments in the temple. The hero within him had taken him to the right place. He lived there happily for the rest of his life and became the most powerful person in the universe.......

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