Thursday, September 22, 2016

Looking for the right home mortgage loan

The key to getting the best home mortgage loan is to shop around, compare and negotiate to get the best deal out of your mortgage. With all the lenders offering different types of mortgages, finding the right home mortgage loan has become increasingly difficult. The importance of choosing the best deal in your mortgage can't be over-emphasized. Your choice will most likely have a significant bearing on your future financial stability and how soon you will achieve it. This article presents some guidelines to help you look for the perfect home mortgage loan. Shop around and do your own research Home mortgages come in many forms and types. You can get them from mortgage companies, commercial banks, private lenders, credit unions and thrift institutions. Each of them offers a different set of loan terms, rates and fees. In order to get a good deal, it is a good idea to contact several possible lenders. You can ask for free mortgage quotes from each and request for a list of their fees and charges, then choose one that will get you the best terms. You can get a home mortgage loan through a mortgage broker as well. Your broker will be the one to directly arrange your financial transactions with the lending company and assist you in choosing the best deal. Know the cost of the mortgage Different lenders have different rates, charges and points. Therefore, you need to ask around before sealing a deal. The loan amount, type and term is most likely fixed, so you can present the same requirements and compare the home mortgage loan quotes they provide you. You can ask your lender directly for their interest rates, rate type (adjustable or fixed) and the annual percentage rate. Lenders usually impose points which are inversely related to your interest rate. The lower the interest rates, the higher points you need to pay. Make sure you ask this information and compare that of different lenders. In addition, a home mortgage loan involves various fees which include underwriting fee, settlement, transaction and closing costs as well as broker fees. Your lender should give you a fair estimate when you apply for your loan. Lastly, it is important to know if your lender requires down payments or lump sum "balloon" fees. These charges and fees can affect your financial situation immensely, so make sure you ask as much questions as you need to. Get the best deal At this point, you will most likely know what each lender you chose can offer. With this in mind, negotiate for a great deal. Remember though that lenders offer different pricing to different customers despite similar loan requirements. Have everything in black and white by asking your lender or broker to enumerate all the costs charged when you make a home mortgage loan. Do not hesitate to ask your lender to waive or to even just reduce one or more of the fees, or agree to fewer points or lower interest rates. There is no harm in trying, and you have all to gain. After sealing the deal and being satisfied with the negotiation, consider asking for a lock-in period wherein you are protected from sudden interest rate increase during the loan processing.

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