Sunday, September 18, 2016

Blogging for seo

If you’ve never heard the term SEO, let me explain briefly what it is, what it does and what it’s for. SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. This is a web design technique that, when done effectively, draws positive attention from search engines. When your site is optimized for search engines you will discover that search engine users can find your web presence easier to locate when potential customers conduct their first online search. When developing a site for SEO a web site owner needs to make sure they utilize a well researched keyword or key phrase that will be noticed by the search engine. The optimum number of times the keyword or phrase should be used is around 3-5%. If you use the term less it may not be noticed and if you use it much more it may be considered a spamming technique thus panelizing your site. You may also find that the content is hard to read if you insist on placing the keyword or phrase in locations that do not read naturally. You’ll notice that the title of this article has to do with blogging. When you conduct a web search using various keywords or phrases you will often find blogs that are listed among the top ten for the phrase you chose. What this means is that if you develop a business blog to benefit your online business you should also work to ensure your core keyword or phrase is evident in your posts. If you’re wondering why blogs might rank better than a standard business site it’s because blogs are updated more often than full websites. Search engines love to find new content so their interest in your site may be strong due to the new content you are making available. It is possible for a business blog to actually outperform a primary business website in terms of search engine rankings simply because there is more new information to consider and that often translates into improved trust and rank position. What this means is you may have more visitors to your blog than to your primary site. However this scenario is exactly why your business blog can be an important marketing tool for your primary site. Here’s the equation… Optimized blog + high search engine rankings = increased traffic to primary site You just need to make sure that every blog post includes a reason for visitors to come to your primary site and you need to make sure a link is provided with every post on the profile page. Did you know that when you blog for Search Engine Optimization you are also working to improve the overall traffic flow to your primary site? You do that by consistently blogging with a laser focus utilizing a very specific keyword or phrase. Consider your business blog a funnel that helps direct the curious to a better answer to the questions they have about the very search term they used to find you. In other words, make it easy to find your site – and visitors will.

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